Derry Village Animal Clinic

32,7070 St. Barbara Blvd.





Pet Allergy Diagnosis and Treatment:


Allergies affecting pets, including food sensitivities, bacterial reactions, and environmental allergens, can significantly impact their comfort and health. Timely and accurate diagnosis is essential to develop tailored treatment plans that alleviate symptoms and enhance their overall quality of life.


Importance of Allergy Testing: Diagnosing allergies enables veterinarians to recommend specific treatments that target the root causes of your pet's discomfort. This approach not only relieves immediate symptoms but also prevents potential complications associated with untreated allergies.


When to Seek Testing: Pet owners should consider allergy testing if their pets exhibit symptoms such as persistent scratching, head shaking, ear or muzzle rubbing, licking of paws, skin lesions, flakiness, hair loss, or intense itching. Early intervention ensures prompt relief and prevents the progression of allergic reactions


Methods of Allergy Testing: At Derry Village Animal Clinic, we offer comprehensive allergy testing methods tailored to your pet's needs. This includes hypoallergenic diet trials to identify food allergies, as well as in-house testing or referrals to dermatologists for more complex cases involving environmental allergens like pollen, mold spores, or dust mites.


Types of Pet Allergies: 


  1. Bacterial Allergy: Some pets may develop allergic reactions to Staph bacteria, leading to conditions such as pyoderma, particularly in those with weakened immune systems.

  2. Contact Allergy: Although less common, pets can experience localized allergic reactions to certain chemicals or substances they come into contact with.

  3. Inhalant Allergy (Atopy): This is the most prevalent type of pet allergy, caused by airborne allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust mites.

  4. Food Allergy: Pets can develop sensitivities to certain ingredients in their diet over time, which may manifest as skin problems or digestive issues.

Our Approach at Derry Village Animal Clinic: Our veterinary team is dedicated to identifying the specific triggers causing your pet's allergies and recommending effective long-term treatment options. We emphasize personalized care to address each pet's unique sensitivities and ensure they live comfortably and healthily.


For more information or to schedule an allergy evaluation for your pet, please contact us at (905)670-1414. We are committed to providing comprehensive care to help your pet overcome allergies and enjoy a happy, symptom-free life.